Potato Tourte

This recipe was admittedly exactly the type of recipe I'd have passed over
 based on how complicated it sounded. Not needing exotic or numerous
 ingredients, it simply sounded like extensive prep time and lots of steps 
from start to finish. Which makes nice cookbook reading, not kitchen work. 
Lucky for me, this cooking and blogging community affords me the luxury 
of not even considering passing up a selected group recipe. Key for those
 who have the local pizzeria on speed dial. It is simply an adventure, and like 
so many others - this week I was so very glad I went on that adventure.
Broken down into separate parts, the steps were not overwhelming. 
I was truly surprised by this as I prepared the dish. The results looked
 amazing. The taste of the creamy seasoned potatoes in that flaky puff 
pastry crust was as delicious as expected. I didn't have any of my 
favorite bacon or ham to add to it this time, I'll be planning on
 adding some next time -and there WILL be a next time !


  1. Beautiful tourte! It was delicious, wasn't it! Yum!

  2. That looks fantastic Tricia, I love seeing it in a square pan.

  3. Or long rectangle pan, equally good!

  4. The square tourte looks so delightful and different from the round ones we all end up baking. You said it so well that without the community to bake along, I don't think I would make this. Happy I did it! Shirley

  5. Don't you know that it's hip to be square!
    Really lovely tourte - it needs to be made again, no?


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